While the use of Online Counselling and Psychotherapy eliminates the need for face-to-face meetings, the focus is still on creating a healthy therapeutic alliance and providing a safe emotional space.
I offer sessions via Zoom, Skype, or Google Meets. I work from my usual therapy room which is completely private. You may connect with a computer, tablet or phone. I send you a link and when you click on the link at the time of our session, this simply connects us.
Online Therapy.
I have thousands of hours of Online Therapy experience with individuals, couples and groups.
If you choose to work with me online, it is helpful to find a place where you can’t be overheard, with secure WiFi connection. Each session provides you with space and time to talk, to be heard, to express how you are feeling and help you move forward. In time you will likely feel more able to manage difficulties in your life and emotions.
Research strongly suggests that online therapy is can be effective.
I very much look forward to working with you.